Munch Etiquette

1. Please RSVP to the munches because we have to give these restaurants a head count to be ready for this group….

2. If you RSVP and bringing a guest not on Fet please let us know so we can add them to the count. The head count is very important.

3. Please remember Munches are VANILLA and this means we are out in a public setting and not always in a area with out people who DO NOT understand the lifestyle… So we have to be have and keep the Kink to a minimum. We have established a few good locations and wanna be able to continue to use these so we need to act like adults and not get too rowdy. When wearing a Collar to a munch PLEASE IF YOU HAVE A DISCRETE “STREET COLLAR” PLEASE WEAR IT TO THE MUNCHES. A Street collar is a nice piece of jewelry( Choker, lock charm, bracelet, they sell very nice things at all the jewelry stores and on line for this purpose. Some people have issues about being outed and have sent me messages about Large collars being worn to public restaurants. Please just respect the discretion of other members in the group because we are Honestly in everyone’s community at some point. It sucks but the community we live in, NO MATTER how accepting the people in the group are, we still live in a BIBLE BELT VANILLA COMMUNITY!

4. If we are at a location with alcohol served PLEASE respect the group and do not become a Drunken mess. As long as your of age and can drink enjoy but no one wants to babysit and Drunk. Please keep it under control.

5. Remember munches are where we get new people and some times people who this might be their very first time to ANYTHING KINKY, so lets make the events comfortable and friendly. Some times its hard going into a new group like this but we seem to keep people so we are doing something right. Intros are not always easy as a group so try and introduce yourself to new people.

6. Please remember most places we can not get a private room and there are VANILLA people and Families in the same places we are. SO please use your inside voices when discussing Kinky or anything sexually risky. I have worked hard to find locations that do not mind our groups and need to respect them and their other customers.

7. Please respect the staff of the restaurants we use, We have worked really hard to build a good group places to use to accommodate us as we grow. MOST of them are very grateful to have us but we need to understand a group of 20-30 on a week night can be a big thing for them. Please be nice to your waiters and tip them, they work for little of nothing and with a big group like us and we rarely have big issues. And if you have remarks about the location and staff please do not say them at restaurant unless they are good.

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